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neurohumanities - A group for those interested in the intersection of the humanities and the neurosciences.

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Subject: A group for those interested in the intersection of the humanities and the neurosciences.

Description: This research group is co-sponsored by the Duke
Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS) and the
Franklin Humanities Institute (FHI) and has as its
goal to bring humanists and neuroscientists into
sustained dialogue on issues that concern both
groups equally but are researched and taught with
different discourses, methodologies, and
technologies. Although the divide between the
humanities and the biological sciences is
beginning to be crossed, the ultimate form and
canon of what neurohumanities might be remains to
be determined. We believe that Duke can be an
international leader in this enterprise and
powerfully shape the definition and scope of this
new trans-discipline. The Neurohumanities Research
Group (NRG) capitalizes on Duke’s strengths in
humanities and the neurosciences to develop a
common language of discourse, generate new
research questions, and create new educational
initiatives exploring this now-approachable
frontier. Membership in the NRG is open to
faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students,
and staff at Duke.

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