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funding-alert - Research Support funding announcements

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Subject: Research Support funding announcements

Description: [Last updated on: Thu Jul 3 10:45:59 2003]

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The Funding Alert newsletter is semi-weekly online publication of Duke
University's Office of Research Support. The newsletter publishes new and
recently updated announcements of federal and private funding for
research, fellowships, instruction, program development, instrumentation,

Approximately once a week, you will receive a message that the newest
issue of Funding Alert is available online. The message will include a
hyperlink to access the new issue.

The newsletter may also be downloaded and printed. At the top of each
issue, hyperlinks are provided to MS Word (.doc) and Adobe Acrobat Reader
(.pdf) versions. Direct hyperlinks to these versions will also be provided

in the weekly email notice.

Funding Alert is divided into 2 section:

1) Funding News -- tracks national trends in research funding, detailing
the federal research budget and providing policy notices from major
research funders, both federal and private.

2)Funding Opportunities -- new or updated grant announcements in the
following categories:

Arts & Humanities-- Grants and Fellowships in these fields for those in
the School of Arts & Sciences and the Divinity School. Also includes
grants for nonprofit organizations and individuals that may have only an
indirect link to Duke.

Community Development -- Grants which require a significant community
involvement. Duke may or may not be the lead applicant in such grants.

Curriculum Development -- Grants to develop new curriculum or research
training at Duke, or to partner with other institutions.

Environmental & Life Sciences -- Grants for basic biological sciences and
the Nicholas School of the Environmental & Earth Sciences and related
social and health sciences.

Graduate Funding -- Grants and Fellowships for study,
research or travel by Graduate students. Drawn from recent updates to the
Graduate Student Research Opportunities pages.

Health Sciences -- Grants for applied biological sciences, including
clinical research.

International Opportunities -- Grant and Fellowship programs for
international research or collaboration.

Multidisciplinary -- Grants that require multidisciplinary or
interdisciplinary research or a significant investment from the
university/medical center.

Physical Science & Engineering -- Grants for those in the physical
sciences and engineering.

Postdoctoral Funding -- Grants and Fellowships for study, research
or travel by Postdoctoral students. Drawn from recent updates to the
Postdoctoral Research Opportunities pages.

Social Sciences-- Grants oriented towards these fields, including the Law
School and Fuqua School of Business, as well as appropriate departments
within the School of Arts & Sciences.

This list also distributes ORS's monthly Grant Deadline listing, also
available on the ORS website. This comprehensive listing of upcoming
deadlines is compiled from program announcements in these publications:
ORS Funding Alert, NSF E-Bulletin, NIH Guide/Request for Applications, ORS

Fellowships and Institutional Nominations webpages, and the funding
opportunities databases to which Duke University subscribes.

Ongoing grant opportunities are published in the Grant Deadlines, whereas
Funding Alert only publishes those grants that are new or that have been

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